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Partner Plan

Hospitality Ai's Partner Plan represents the pinnacle of our offerings, combining all the exceptional features from both the Online Ordering Package and the Point of Sale Bundle while also introducing additional special features, prospects, and business opportunities. With this comprehensive plan, businesses gain access to a wealth of tools and functionalities to optimize their operations and drive success in today's competitive landscape.

In addition to the robust online ordering functionalities and essential hardware components provided in the Point of Sale Bundle, the Partner Plan unlocks exclusive special features designed to further enhance the customer experience and boost business growth. These special features may include advanced analytics and reporting capabilities, allowing businesses to gain deeper insights into their operations and make data-driven decisions for continued improvement and success. Moreover, the Partner Plan may offer unique prospects and business opportunities, such as partnerships with other businesses or access to exclusive events and networking opportunities within the industry. With Hospitality Ai's Partner Plan, businesses can unlock the full potential of their operations, capitalize on new opportunities, and stay ahead of the curve in an ever-evolving market.

Multi-location Management

Hospitality Ai's Partner Plan revolutionizes multi-location management with its intuitive system, offering seamless access to reporting and analytics for all locations within a chain or franchise region. With this advanced multi-location management system, businesses can effortlessly monitor and analyze performance metrics across multiple sites, gaining valuable insights into sales trends, inventory levels, and customer behavior. This comprehensive reporting and analytics capability empowers businesses to make informed decisions and implement strategic initiatives to drive growth and success across their entire operation.

Hospitality Ai simplifies menu and inventory management for multi-location businesses, streamlining processes and ensuring consistency across all locations. With centralized control and easy-to-use tools, businesses can efficiently manage menus, update pricing, and track inventory levels in real-time across all their establishments. Additionally, the Partner Plan extends to website management, providing businesses with the ability to maintain and customize websites for each location, ensuring a cohesive online presence and delivering a seamless experience for customers. By centralizing management tasks and providing easy access to reporting and analytics, Hospitality Ai's Partner Plan empowers businesses to optimize their operations, enhance efficiency, and drive success across their entire chain or franchise region.

Feature Development Pipeline

Hospitality Ai's Partner Plan offers restaurant owners specialized access to our feature development pipeline, providing them with a unique opportunity to collaborate closely with our product development team. With this exclusive access, restaurant owners can actively participate in shaping the future of our platform by providing valuable insights, feedback, and suggestions for additional features tailored specifically to their business needs. By working hand-in-hand with our product development team, restaurant owners can ensure that their unique requirements and challenges are addressed, leading to the creation of innovative solutions that drive efficiency, enhance customer experience, and ultimately, propel business growth.

This collaborative approach to feature development enables restaurant owners to have a direct impact on the evolution of our platform, ensuring that it remains relevant and responsive to the ever-changing demands of the industry. Whether it's custom integrations, specialized functionalities, or unique workflows, our product development team is committed to working closely with restaurant owners to bring their vision to life. With specialized access to our feature development pipeline, restaurant owners can leverage their expertise and industry insights to influence the direction of our platform, creating tailored solutions that set their business apart and drive success in the competitive hospitality landscape.

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Click on 'Review Online Ordering' to learn more about our comprehensive Online Ordering Package.

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Click on 'Review Point of Sale' to learn more about our full-featured point of sale system for restaurants.

Want to learn more about our Point of Sale Bundle?

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Download the Hospitality Ai Point of Sale app from the App Store. Download the Hosptiality Ai Driver app from Google Play.